Abstract and Creative Work

Although landscape and nature photos are my preferred media, I also enjoy getting creative and playing with different compositions or edits. This way, some seemingly unsalvageable, or simply boring images can become art.

The Power of vision… and editing



A simple beach scene just after sunset. Golden and Blue hour are mixed in this picture, giving the sky a orange hue and the water a dark blue color. The original picture is quite shaky, there is no subject, and the composition is bland. Normally nothing I wold bother to share. However, I came across a photo editing technique on YouTube, using Adobe Photoshop to creative the effect you see on the right. A simple motion blur and the formerly horrific picture becomes abstract art. This is why I love editing!



Here, I applied the same technique, but since there is a subject in the frame, it was a bit trickier. The solution was to create a layer containing only the subject, then removing it in the base layer. After applying the motion blur, the subject layer was re-introduced and individually edited. For instance, I added a soft reflection, which faded and distorted towards the bottom, just as a normal reflection on the beach would. I applied a slightly different crop, because I felt like the orange strip would be a distraction in the edited version.

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